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IEA 4E SSL Annex publishes CIE S 025/E:2015 application study

Posted on 29 June 2017 2017-06-29T00:00:00+00:00 2017-06-29T00:00:00+00:00

A new report from the IEA 4E SSL Annex which considers the new international standard (CIE S 025/E:2015), Test Method for LED Lamps, LED Luminaires and LED Modules, for use by stakeholders as the basis for measuring quality and performance aspects of LED lighting products is now available.

A new report from the IEA 4E SSL Annex considers the new international standard (CIE S 025/E:2015), Test Method for LED Lamps, LED Luminaires and LED Modules for use by stakeholders as the basis for measuring quality and performance aspects of LED lighting products. CIE S 025 was developed to be used by regulators and accreditation bodies around the world to harmonise the testing and accreditation of LED products. The SSL Annex conducted a study of this standard, including looking into the coverage of products, the performance metrics measured, the equipment covered and the requirements for testing. The SSL Annex concluded that the new CIE standard is suitable for its upcoming global interlaboratory comparison of goniophotometers.


To read more about study and to download a copy of the report, click here.