Sitemap · Contact and the IEC

A large number of countries within the Asia region have national commitments to adopt International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards whenever appropriate. However, due to the current make-up of IEC management and technical committees, standards are not always developed in a way appropriate for use in the Asia region. was committed to assisting countries within Asia understand the IEC processes, and increasingly to influence the standards development process, by helping to increase the number of countries that became members of the IEC and by supporting active participation in the standards development process.


IEC Background

Provides general information on the background and structure of the IEC.


IEC Lighting Committees

Provides more detailed information on the large number of IEC committees that are active in developing standards for light sources and lighting products.


Regional Country Participation

Provides information on current members of the IEC and their status as participating members or observers.


IEC in Asia-Pacific

Provides information on the IEC regional centre in Singapore which also seeks to increase the use of IEC international standards and enhance participation of all countries in the region.