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UNEP en.lighten in-country training for policy makers and laboratory staff

Posted on 9 March 2015 2015-03-09T00:00:00+00:00 2015-03-09T00:00:00+00:00

The presentations from UNEP en.lighten in-country training for policy makers and laboratory staff in Indonesia, Myanmar and Thailand are now available to download.

In parallel with recent meetings in Indonesia and Thailand, the UNEP en.lighten initiative Southeast Asia and Pacific Monitoring, Verification and Enforcement Project has provided additional in-country training sessions for policy makers and laboratory staff and, during a visit to Myanmar in February 2015, provided a workshop for government policy makers introducing the concepts of, and best practice for, minimum energy performance standards and monitoring, verification and enforcement activities for lighting products. To download copies of the presentations from these training sessions, click here.